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In this project we disccused, researched, and exposed current events in our local, state, and national government. We disscused federalism and the federalist papers. Contained in this website are 10 articles written on these topics and features to go along with it. 

Federalism:Fact or Fiction

This is the letter sent to the AGS students of the HillTop Press


Dear AGS Students,

Journalism is a way to reveal truths about issues that impact our local communities. We see it as a way to not only inform readers, but also give opportunities to community members who wish to vocalize their opinions about relevant topics that face our society.

We would like you to create an online news media source that encompasses a total of ten news articles. Each article should address local, state, and federal government issues. Be sure to include both editorials and informative genres of writing.

After your group has researched their sources and written their articles, we would like to offer you the opportunity to have a guest editorial position in The Hilltop Press. This article would be an editorial that addresses an issue that involves either our state or local government. They should be no more than 500 words and include a color head shot and short biography of the author. They can be e-mailed to me (by Mrs. Berens and Mr. Traubert) when they are ready. We will post them online as soon as possible and print them in the paper when and if space allows.

This is a great opportunity for you to gain experience in journalism and a great resume builder. Your teachers will provide you with the rest of the information regarding your project and the requirements of your online news media source.


Dick Maloney
Hilltop Press

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